Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
• construction changes made by the customer
• insufficient observation of the wear parts
• repairs made improperly (spare parts must be original UTIFORM parts or parts authorized by the
For safety reasons please use only original UTIFORM spare parts
For a better service at technical level, please have all the technical data available of the components of
the machine.
In case you need spare parts, please hand us the following data:
• Machine’s model with serial number.
• Reference number or name of the part needed.
When carrying out maintenance works please keep in mind to make a maximum cleaning. In support
surfaces and isolating joints considerable damages for dirt can be formed.
The duration and reliability of the Rendering machineV2 depends essentially on the operation and
appropriate maintenance.
Correct use.
The V2 is a machine with a mixer plus an element for transport and spraying for mortars and renders
with a weight by cubic unit from 0,3 to 2,5 t/m3 and an additional granulated of up to 6 mm. It is good
for the plastering production on a lime-cement base or lime-plaster.
Also, different types of dry mortar can be made and can be pumped, as plaster base or of scratch back
render. If the V2 is equipped with a 60/12 pump, you can work with it self levelling floor material
based on anhydrite or cement base as well as light concrete up to 8 mm grain size. Other materials are
only possible to use after consulting the manufacturer.
The operation of the V2 is not appropriate for granulations larger than 6 mm or
other materials that are not authorized by the manufacturer.
Any inadequate use of the machine is forbidden.
In the correct use it is also included:
• to keep in mind all the indications of the manual of instructions and
• to complete the inspection works and maintenance
Inadequate use.
Any other use besides the previously mentioned is forbidden. An inappropriate use can cause dangers.
Inadequate use of the machine exempts UTIFORM from granting any guarantee.
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk