Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
Air hose
The air hose is connected between the air outlet and the spray gun. In the spray gun the product hose
and the air hose join.
Control of levels
Before setting the machine on, make sure that there is enough fuel in the deposit.
One of the most important functions before the daily starting up of the machine is
to control the level of motor oil , the compressor and the hydraulic circuit’s oil, having the required
levels in each one of the elements.
Starting up of the machine
Safety Indications
• Do not place the machine in closed places, since the intoxication danger exists due to the
escape of gases!
• Eliminate immediately all the machine damages that can affect your safety.
• Some materials could also put health in danger, for that reason, always wear the necessary
gear advised by the manufacturer (breathing protection, gloves, etc.)
• Keep in mind the norms of professional associations, mainly the norms of
prevention of accidents in the construction branch.
• Elaborate and transport only suitable materials for the machine (see annex: correct use).
For any questions contact the official technical service at UTIFORM.
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk