Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
Safety indications - operation
Keep the hood of the machine closed during the operation!
• Start up the machine only when all the protection devices are working perfectly.
• Before connecting the machine make sure that nobody can be in danger for the setting up.
• Check the machine at least once in each shift to see if there were external damages, and make sure
that safety appliances work correctly!
• Protection grill:
The mixer deposit is closed with a safety grill equipped with a safety switch that causes the immediate
stop of the motor in the event of unexpected opening of the grill.
This protection grill can only be opened up if the safety switches react. The grill needs a special tool
to disassemble it since it is installed mechanically. In this way it is guaranteed that it cannot occur any
danger of injuries.
Work only with the protector grills installed!
Always use safety appliances appropriately, do not try to manipulate the safety switches!
• Prevent damages.
In the case of damage, suspend all the works, since a breakdown could be caused on the
Starting up the motor
In the machine V2 the revolutions of diesel motors come adjusted from factory, so it is not
necessary their variation in the construction sites.
In diesel engines with electric starting motors, warm up well before starting. To continue this process
correctly, it is necessary to visualize the “power off” of the led of the
resistance placed in the electric control panel of the machine. In any case, it is convenient to leave the
diesel motor warming up a little, before proceeding to its routine operation.
You will be able to see more details in the enclosed instructions of service for
the Diesel motor.
In case of electric model, it is important to have enough power. The necessary tension for the operation
of the machine in the electric version is 400 V with a32 A automatic switch. The motor protection is
incorporated in the switch of the machine.
The cable section recommended is 5 x 2,5 mm2. In case of very long distances between the machine
and the electric power source it is recommended a 5 x 4 mm2 cable.
Before beginning to mix and spray, it is necessary to close the hood of the machine to avoid
dirt in its interior parts. This way, the air aspired by the motor and the compressor will be
the less powdery possible.
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk