Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
Starting it up
Preparation for the starting up
Safety indications
• Place the machine in such a way that is in working in a secure place and protected
from the unexpected fall of objects.
• Get the machine in a safe position using the tire stabilizers or the support leg of the machine
• Check all the safety systems before beginning to work.
• Place transport hoses tracing a road the shortest possible. For the direction changes make a generous
radius (approx. 40 cm) to avoid that the hoses bend. The least couplings you use, the better.
• When working with scaffolds or higher levels, the hoses must be held conveniently and without
bending using hose belts according to the security rules.
• Assure all couplings of the connected hoses to avoid their opening up.
•Control the hoses and couplings regularly against wear (abrasion and aging).
Locating the machine
The surface has to be as flat and firm as possible. In case of a loose or wet surface, use wooden bars,
to avoid the supports from sinking into the surface.
In order to avoid damages, please note that the oblique position of the
machine should not surpass 10º longitudinal and 20º traversal.
Material hose
Connect the hose to the material exit of the machine and take it through the shortest way to the
working place. The shortest it is the conduit, there will be less energy consumption and therefore there
will be less failures. Do not close the hose couplings without cleaning them; do not forget the rubber
joints in this couplings: dirty couplings are not tight and they produce jams.
Connect the material outlet well to the chassis because when pumping, there is a notable increase of
weight and torque. Put the machine as horizontal as possible to avoid blowouts and jams while
pumping material.
Check the fastening of the couplings if necessary , to prevent a detachment.
Only use original
or other authorized material hoses and couplings.
For the Rendering Machine V2 it is recommended to use material hoses with a nominal interior
diameter of 50 mm with 40 bar pressure, at least in the initial hose, being able to reduce this diameter
according to the specific working conditions of each moment.
With this kind of reduction you can produce a decrease in the performance of the machine’s pump and
mainly, something to keep in mind is the acceleration of the wear process of materials that are
subjected to the material flow.
The hoses and the couplings are subjected to a natural wear for close contact and aging.
Let a specialist check that the hoses and couplings are in good shape, minimum every three months
(safety control check list).
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk