Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
• Clean mainly the hose couplings and rubber joints!
• Then, it is necessary to clean the spraying gun very well, blowing especially the
air nozzle and the air valve.
• To keep the machine in good condition, spray it daily with fuel and oil, this way the mortar will stick
less and it will be easier to clean it.
• As for the conservation of the transport shaft, spray the screw with a special fluid (Article number
41061288), from the hopper toward the opening of the screw. To apply it easily, start the pump for a
Faults and corrections
Jams are the most common problem in the transport of material. A jam is when a material ball has
been formed in the transport shaft or inside the hose. In both cases, it is necessary to open up and clean
the blocked connection.
Wear protective glasses!
Control in the pressure manometer so that the conduction is free of pressure. The
manometer has to indicate a pressure of 0 bar!
Keep in mind the possible material splashes.
The couplings that have to be unfastened and should be covered with an empty sack or
something similar.
Wear protective clothes!
Make sure that there is no people in the danger area!
Blockage can be formed for three reasons:
1. It is not possible to pump the mixture of the material, because it is too liquid or
too thick.
2. The mixture has been too long in the hopper and the flow of water in the interior of
the hose produces that the thick material has gotten stuck.
3. The hose is not sufficiently greased, that is to say, is has not been pumped previously, it is damaged
or bent abruptly.
Jams in the pump
1. There is no material being transported.
2. The manometer (if there is any) in the end of the pump does not show any pressure.
Proceed in the following way:
• Let the transport shaft work backwards for a little while to lessen the pressure in the flow of material.
• Disconnect the motor.
• Unhook the hose of the machine.
• Remove the cone of material from the machine.
• Remove the compressed material of the cone and, if it is possible, of the pump.
• Clean the pump carefully.
• Start the motor.
• Let the pump work shortly.
• Change the turning direction several times.
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk