Rendering Machine V2______________________________________________________________________________________
When closing this switch, pressure builds up in the air hose and carries out the stop function on the
pumping motor.
b) Radio remote control.
This system is optional. This system is made up of a sender which you can find inside the electric box,
a manual receiver that will be manipulated by the operator, an antenna located in on the top of the
hood and which should be free of obstacles and a battery loader to connect to the conventional electric
The operation of this system is as simple as an on and off located in the mobile originator manipulated
by the operator. In order to make this system operative in the machine, it is necessary to previously
place the selector located in the frontal of the electric box in the “manual” position, making it possible
to manipulate the machine both by remote control (radio frequency) as well as directly from the
electric box.
When pressing the green on-button a led lights in the originator and in this moment the machine will
start working.
In case that the machine stops suddenly it can be due to a sign loss between the originator and the
receiver, so it will be necessary to begin the operation again.
The control remote works with a battery saving system, so that when it stops sending signals, after a
while the position led “0-stop” of the originator stops blinking and goes to the on-hold status, which is
battery saving.
The battery located inside the originator for its protection has a capacity or enough autonomy for a
whole day of work.
We recommend to charge the originator after the end of each day of work, so that it is ready for the
following day. This process is as simple as connecting the charger to a voltage of 220 V. single-phase
and the other side to the inferior part of the originator, which is there for this purpose.
Finishing the work
• After the last material load, pump until the hopper is empty and the pumping shaft is completely
• Take out the pressure in the hose, making the transport shaft go for a few seconds to the back. The
inversion of the pumping direction is possible when rotating the electric selector located in the control
• Disconnect the mortar hoses. The operator should prevent accidents and wear protective gear
(glasses) while disconnecting the hose couplings.
• Empty the deposit letting the remaining material flow through the cleaning opening in the inferior
part of the hopper . Let the material flow in an appropriate recipient to avoid pollution and close the
opening again. The opening closes with a rubber ball and a screw.
• Wash the exterior of the machine completely with clean water and a brush.
• Clean the mixer with a brush and water.
• Fill the hopper with clean water, start the pump again and let it work until
the pump transports only clean water.
• Let approximately half meter of material out of the hose, then put in one or two rubber balls.
• Connect again the mortar hose to the machine and start the pump until the hopper is empty. Continue
with the cleaning until you see only clean water coming out of the hose, if it is necessary add more
water to the hopper.
Supplied by :- Markham (Sheffield) Ltd - Tel:- +44 (0)1909 730861 - www.markham-sheffield.co.uk