Document Number:
Document Title:
WSII Operations Manual
Bay 1 2 2 Count of all washes at Bay 1 paid for partly with
a POS code (POS code + some form of payment
for upgrade; e.g. POS code for Express wash +
$1 = Super wash)
Bay 2 2 2 Count of all washes at Bay 2 paid for partly with
a POS code (POS code + some form of payment
for upgrade; e.g. POS code for Express wash +
$1 = Super wash)
Bay 3 2 2 Count of all washes at Bay 3 paid for partly with
a POS code (POS code + some form of payment
for upgrade; e.g. POS code for Express wash +
$1 = Super wash)
Offline wash 1
Bay 1 0 0 Count of Express washes fired at Bay 1 while Bay
1 was not communicating with the master
console( either master console is turned OFF or is
experiencing communication difficulty with
Bay 1 )
Bay 2 0 0 Count of Express washes fired at Bay 2 while Bay
2 was not communicating with the master
console( either master console is turned OFF or is
experiencing communication difficulty with
Bay 2 )
Bay 3 0 0 Count of Express washes fired at Bay 3 while Bay 3
was not communicating with the master console
( either master console is turned OFF or is
experiencing communication difficulty with
Bay 3 )
Offline wash 2
Bay 1 1 1 Count of Super washes fired at Bay 1 while Bay
1 was not communicating with the master
console( either master console is turned OFF or is
experiencing communication difficulty with
Bay 1 )
Bay 2 0 0 Count of Super washes fired at Bay 2 while Bay
2 was not communicating with the master
console( either master console is turned OFF or is
experiencing communication difficulty with
Bay 2 )
Bay 3 0 0 Count of Super washes fired at Bay 3 while Bay
3 was not communicating with the master
console( either master console is turned OFF or is
experiencing communication difficulty with
Bay 3 )
Offline wash 3
Bay 1 1 1 Count of Deluxe washes fired at Bay 1 while Bay
1 was not communicating with the master
console( either master console is turned OFF or is
experiencing communication difficulty with
Bay 1 )
Bay 2 0 0 Count of Deluxe washes fired at Bay 2 while Bay
2 was not communicating with the master