© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
Section 1 - Description and Features
1.1 Product Description and Wireless System Overview
The CWSI CP-3600(+) is an intelligent addressable wireless fire alarm control panel. The CP-3600(+)
system provides for annunciation of up to 2048* individual addressable initiating devices including
smoke detectors, fire transmitters and repeaters. It has an on board transceiver that allows all
communications with devices to be done via radio frequency (RF). The pathway from devices to the
control panel may utilize repeaters and is designated class B. Since the communications are bi-
directional the control panel can send out control commands to perform functions including turning on
or off repeater NAC circuits and tandem smoke detector sounder activation. The advanced RF protocol
and speed of the CP-3600(+) allows a trouble with any one of up to 2048* initiating devices to be
reported within 200 seconds. The CP-3600(+) is field programmable making the addition of devices
both easy and cost effective. An internal piezo sounder provides distinct tones for alarm, supervisory
and trouble signals. The system contains a clock and non-volatile memory that will record and store
events by time and date of occurrence. The CP-3600(+) is capable of storing 4000 events for later
viewing as outlined in the event log section of this manual.
The unit is also compatible with UL Listed Communicators making the CWSI CP-3600(+) a complete
installation solution. The system is designed with monitoring and emergency personnel in mind. The
LCD display provides easily identifiable pinpoint information displaying the specific initiating device(s)
in alarm, trouble or supervisory condition. A 21 button membrane switch panel is used for system
control and programming. The CP-3600(+) notification appliance circuits are 24 volts and field
selectable for Class A or B operation.
The CWSI initiating devices contain microprocessor based transceivers and are battery powered. Bi-
directional repeaters are used to create a cellular network type signaling path to and from the CP-
3600(+) control panel. Initiating devices transmit both status and alarm information. Repeaters process
the data and retransmit the data through the repeater network to and from devices and the CP-3600(+)
control panel. All transmitted signals are verified for data integrity, signal quality and reception
confirmation. The CP-3600(+) is responsible for reading all incoming transmission data displaying
information, sending commands back to repeaters to activate Notification appliance circuits, HVAC
shutdown, Elevator Recall, Tandem smoke detectors and many other control functions depending on
the particular application. Alarm, Supervisory and Trouble signals can be viewed at up to 8 remote
locations with the compatible WRA-3 remote annunciator.
The CP-3600(+) control panel has many new and enhanced features unavailable in previous wireless
systems due to recent technological advances. These features and industry advancements are what
make CWSI the unsurpassed leader in the wireless fire alarm industry.
* 2048 devices on the CP-3600+ only. CP-3600 accepts up to 1024 devices.