© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
Note the following when programming zones:
1. Active model 301 tandem sounders will not be synchronized with each other.
2. Detector sounders are not intended to replace the main fire alarm sounding device.
3. Alarm zones cannot be assigned to a 345(TS) configured for remote trouble operation.
4. Do not program model 301 smoke detectors to activate NAC’s when being used in
dwelling occupancies.
5. Model 350 CO detectors must be programmed for alarm level B when programmed to
activate NAC’s. Program them to supervisory when not programming to active NAC’s.
6. The system must be monitored by a supervising station with emergency response,
both meeting the standard for the installation of CO detection and warning equipment,
NFPA 720 when a model 350 is programmed to produce temp 4 signaling.
The tandem feature works based on zones assigned to the smoke detector. Program the detector with
up to 5 zones as described in section 4.4.3. Only use zones 1-889 and 1000-1500 for tandem smoke
detectors. These are the alarm zones. The Model 301 will listen for alarm signals in the installation. If
the detector receives an alarm which matches any of its 5 programmed zones, the sounder will activate.
Note: The sounder may take up to 60 seconds to activate.
The alarm signal can be from any type
of initiating device compatible with the CP-3600(+) system. If the originating alarm is from a Model 301
tandem smoke detector, it will also be told to activate its sounder. In this scenario the sounder in the
Model 301 which originally detected smoke will continue to emit the temporal pattern even if its chamber
is cleared of smoke.
There are also two special zone programming options available for the model 301. The first option is
the use of alarm zone 899. This zone is a global alarm zone for the model 301. When an alarm on zone
899 is activated
of the model 301 smoke detectors will turn on their sounders. Zone 899 is not
required to be entered as any of the 5 zones in a model 301 for this feature to work. The 301 detectors
inherently know 899 as a global activation zone. Enter 899 in any of the 5 zone positions in a device
and when that device sends an alarm it will activate the 301 sounders.
The second option is the function of the third zone position on a model 301. The first two zones work
the same as any other device however the third zone on a model 301 is unique. Two or more model
301 tandems with the same zone number in the third zone entry position
will not
activate each other’s
sounders when they are in alarm. This only applies to a model 301. An alarm from any other device
such as a model 345(TS) with any zone position matching the model 301 third zone
activate that
detectors sounder.
The Model 301 tandem smoke detectors can also be manually activated and deactivated using buttons
on the keypad. Manual activation and deactivation of tandem sounders is a global function and will
affect ALL Model 301 tandem smoke detectors in the installation. The Horns On button can be
programmed to manually activate the tandem detector sounders. The Detector sounder silence or
Reset button can be programmed to deactivate the tandem detector sounders. These buttons must be
programmed in the CP-3600(+) to provide these functions.
Note: Silencing a tandem smoke detector
sounder may take up to 60 seconds.
4.8.1 Two Alarm Zone operation
The zones 800-899 require two devices on the same zone to be in alarm for the zone to become
activated and turn on NAC’s, relays, tandems etc. When the first device with the zone goes into alarm
it will show on the CP-3600(+) as an alarm condition but any programmed functions using that zone
will not activate unless and until a second device also goes into alarm.