© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
6.2 System Operation
6.2.1 General
This section will give details on operation of the CP-3600(+) control panel including responding to
Alarm, Supervisory and Trouble signals, Test mode, Memory functions and the associated LCD
screens displayed during all of these operations. The programming of features, buttons, relays and
transmitter/repeater enrollment is contained in the programming section of this manual.
6.2.2 Normal Standby
Normal standby mode exists when no off normal conditions are occurring in the installation. The LCD
screen shown below will be present during normal mode. When in normal mode the CP-3600(+) is
monitoring system voltages, keypad inputs, etc. as well as monitoring for any off normal alarms,
supervisory or trouble signals. Transmitter test signals are also logged during normal operation.
6.2.3 Alarm
Alarms can be generated by any of the compatible initiating devices listed in this manual. Upon
reception of an alarm signal from an initiating device the following will occur:
1. Any lower priority conditions currently displayed on the LCD will be replaced by the higher level
alarm. The lower priority condition can be redisplayed only when the higher one is
2. The alarms will be displayed in the order of oldest to newest.
3. The sounder will emit a steady tone.
4. The Alarm LED will flash once a second.
5. The corresponding normally open alarm relay (A, B, C or D) will activate.
6. The form C relays will activate if programmed to do so.
7. The CP-3600(+) NAC circuit outputs will activate if programmed to do so.
8. Any repeater NAC circuits programmed to turn on will activate.
9. Any audible notification devices programmed to turn on will activate.
10. The Auxiliary output will activate if programmed to do so.
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