© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
receiver card. Verify that all of the switches are in the on position except #3 and 4. Any other settings
of this switch will result in improper operation of the CP-3600(+) panel. Now apply A/C power and
connect charged batteries as shown in figure 4. A short beep may be heard from the receiver piezo
sounder. This is normal. The LCD will show the CWSI logo and will begin to boot up. When the CP-
3600(+) has finished the boot up process the System Initialization screen will be shown on the LCD.
Note: If there is a communication problem between the receiver pc board and the CP-3600(+)
main board the LCD will not display the initialization screen. Instead a message that the receiver
board was not found will be shown. If this message appears, power down the CP-3600(+) and
check the settings of SW2 on the repeater board and proper connection of the wiring harness
between the receiver and CP-3600(+) main pc board. Reapply power and if the receiver notice is
displayed again, the unit must be returned to the factory.
While the initialization screen is displayed
the system will attempt to communicate with any enrolled devices, annunciators and repeaters that are
in the CP-3600(+) memory. The CP-3600(+) will also verify and or update any relay programming for
the repeaters according to the current CP-3600(+) programming memory. An estimated time is shown
to complete the system initialization. The time shown is approximate and will vary based on the amount
of devices and relays to be found and verified. The initialization process could take an hour on a system
with many devices and programmed relays. Keep in mind that the CP-3600(+) system initialization only
occurs once when the panel is powered up. The process cannot be aborted and must be completed
prior to letting the user continue with further programming and system operation. There are two sets of
numbers displayed on the screen. Each set is divided by a /. One set appears under the Devices
Checked in header and the other under the Relays Programmed header. The number to the right
indicates a count of the devices and relays currently in the CP-3600(+) memory. The number on the
left will increment as devices and relays are found and programmed. The initialization process will end
when either the CP-3600(+) finds all of the devices and programs all of the relays in memory or the
estimated time is exceeded without finding all of the devices and or programming all of the relays. Any
unfound devices when the initialization process is complete will be shown as a test failure trouble. The
receiver board in the CP-3600(+) counts as a repeater therefore the number shown for the devices in
the system memory will always show at least 0001 even if no devices or repeaters have been enrolled.
After the system initialization is completed the System Requires Configuration screen will be shown.
Refer to the system programming section of this manual to complete the initial configuration.
System Initialization Sample Screen
S y s t e m I n i t i a l i z a t i o n
E s t i m a t e d T i m e
X M i n u t e s
D e v i c e s C h e c k e d I n
0 0 2 0 / 0 1 0 0
R e l a y s P r o g r a m m e d
0 1 0 / 0 2 5
Devices and
Relays in
found and