© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
activate. Keep in mind zones 1-889 and 1000-1500 respond to alarms. Zones 900-999 respond to
trouble signals from the transmitter. When you have input the zones press the ENTER key to exit edit
Important: Do not program NAC outputs to activate on any zone which is programmed
into a device setup for sprinkler supervisory operation as described in sections 4.4.4 and 4.7 of
this manual unless approved by the local AHJ.
Manual activation is possible in addition to automatic zone activation of a relay. The HORNS ON button
can be programmed to manually activate the selected relay. The default is none. This means that the
relay will not be activated manually. Selecting Horns On will program the CP-3600(+) to activate the
selected relay manually when the HORNS ON keypad button is pressed. Note: The HORNS ON button
will not activate relays when the CP-3600(+) is in test mode. Refer to the test mode and operation
sections of this manual for more information. To program the HORNS ON button to manually activate
the selected relay, move the cursor to the Relay On field and press ENTER. Use the UP key to select
Horns On then press ENTER to exit edit mode.
Activated relays except a 890 zone relay will always be deactivated if the RESET key is pressed. An
additional keypad button can also be selected to deactivate the relay if desired. This will allow restoring
select relays to normal without resetting the entire system. To program an additional button for relay
deactivation, move the cursor to the Relay Off button field. Press ENTER to enter edit mode then use
the UP/DOWN buttons to scroll through the available selections.
The button choices for manually deactivating a relay are Signal Silence, Detector sounder silence,
Strobe Reset and Reset only. The default is Signal Silence. Detector sounder silence may be selected
in an application where the selected relay must be reset at the same time Model 301 Tandem Smoke
alarm sounders are silenced. Strobe Reset may be selected where horns and strobes must be
individually reset *. Use of these buttons must comply with NFPA and or local AHJ requirements. The
Reset only choice should be selected if the RESET key is to be the only method to restore the output
to normal. Specific functions for all of these buttons can be found in the operation section of this manual.
Any RB, RM-5 or wireless relay dry contact outputs programmed to activate upon receipt of a
supervisory will self-restore if supervisory self-restore is on and all supervisory signals are restored.
* For UL installations Horns and Strobes must be programmed to silence with the same button.
After making all of the desired changes to a relay you can save your information or press the next soft
key to advance to the next relay. Pressing the prev soft key will take you one relay back. Pressing prev
while displaying NAC RLY 01 will take you to the highest number relay which can be programmed.
When programming the CP-3600(+) NAC’s you are only permitted to program NAC RLY 01 and NAC
RLY 02. Relay box relays cannot be accessed since you cannot connect any model RB relay box to a
CP-3600(+). Relay box relay and RM-5 relay module programming is permitted on the AR-5 repeater.
The programming is allowed even if neither is connected but obviously they can’t activate unless they
are connected. If you press the NEXT soft key while displaying NAC RLY 02 when programming an
AR-5 repeater, the first relay box/RM-5 relay form will be shown. The relay label at the top of the screen
will read RB RLY 01. This indicates the first relay of the relay box or RM-5. Pressing the next soft key
will now advance you through the 40 relay box relay programming screens. Only the first 5 (01-05) will
apply to the RM-5. The screens will advance through all 40 relays even if you have less than 40
connected. The options for the relay box and RM-5 relays are the same as the NAC selections.
When you have finished making the desired changes press the SAVE soft key. This will automatically
put you on the Select Repeater to Program screen. If you press BACK without saving you will be
prompted to save. If you make many changes on multiple screens before saving there will be a delay