© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
Only devices within the same zone can reactivate silenced audible notification devices and
NAC outputs in that zone. Therefore if you require all of the devices to reactivate any silenced audible
notification device or NAC outputs then all of the devices, audible notification devices and NAC outputs
must be on the same zone. This is primarily a decision to be made by the AHJ as it may be permissible
to have physically separated zones not reactivate each other after being silenced. Consult with the AHJ
for approval.
Zone Summary
001-799, 1000-1500
Alarm zones
Any single Alarm in that zone
Two Alarm Zones
Requires a minimum of two
different devices in that zone to
be in Alarm
Special momentary relay zone
Will activate an SR-5, RM-5 or
RB relay (1-5 only) for 3
seconds when the control panel
is reset.
Reserved for future use
Global Tandem zones
Used to activate all tandem
devices globally with a single
zone. Only 899 functional at
this time.
Trouble zones
Any single Trouble in that zone
Table 2
4.4.4 Alarm Priority Assignment
The CP-3600(+) has 4 levels of alarm which can be assigned to initiating devices. These alarm levels
are referred to as A, B, C and D. A is the highest priority and D is the lowest. Level C can be used for
either Supervisory or fire applications but not both. The CP-3600(+) will display signals based on
priority. Refer to the operation section of this manual for more information.
To program an alarm priority to a device, access the edit screen for the device to be programmed.
Move the cursor to the alarm priority field and press ENTER to edit the field. Use the UP/DOWN keys
to change the priority then press ENTER to exit edit mode. Remember to save your changes.
Note: Model 350 CO detectors must be programmed for alarm level B when reporting as an
alarm on the CP-3600(+).
4.4.5 Selecting the Device Type
This section applies only to the model 345(TS) fire transmitters. The repeater, CP-3600(+), smoke
detector and CO detector device types cannot be changed and will always be displayed as Repeater,
CP-3600(+), Smoke Detector and CO Detector respectively. The device type for a model 345(TS) fire
transmitter will default to pull station when enrolled and should be changed to reflect the application it
is being used for. During an alarm, supervisory or trouble the device type will appear to the left of the
description. The device type is simply a label and has no effect on NAC or relay activations. The sample
alarm screen below indicates where the device type will appear.