9-2 All reply mode
In PM16C-16HW2, All reply mode have been added to add a response to the command with
no response. Response that is added is the following five types. The command will reply with
original response.
Command arrives, and the process has completed successfully.
MCC06 BUSY ERROR Motor control IC was busy and process did not complete.
The input value is not in the configurable range.
The command that can be executed is not found.
The command arrived, but the process did not complete.
Even if the reply is OK, it is not guarantee the behavior of as intended. So, please use as a
tool of communication debugging only.
You can set this by SETUP mode “5-10 Page10A, 10B, 11A, 11B LAN setting (Page 30)”
for local mode. And you can set this by the following command for remote mode.
Command ALL_REP <md>
Set All reply mode
Argument <md>
EN/ Enable all reply mode DS/ Disable
Initial value DS
Reply Nothing (the reply is OK when setting is EN.)
Example ALL_REP EN
Only remote mode, set only the communication port when sending
Command ALL_REP?
Confirm All reply mode or not
Reply EN/ Enable All reply mode DS/ Disable
Example ALL_REP? Reply: DS
Remarks The settings on the communication port when the command is sent are read.