TMCM-1160 CANopen® Firmware Manual • Firmware Version V3.20 | Document Revision V2.10 • 2019-JAN-04
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Device control state machine
CANopen Communication Profile CiA DS301
NMT State Machine
Modes of operation:
Profile Position (pp)
Profile Velocity (pv)
Homing (hm)
CANopen device profile CiA DSP 402
Figure 4: Communication Architecture
Device Model
A CANopen device mainly consists of the following parts:
This function unit provides the communication objects and the appropriate function-
ality to transport data items via the underlying network structure.
Object dictionary:
The object dictionary is a collection of all the data items which have an influence on
the behavior of the application objects, the communication objects and the state machine used on
this device.
The application comprises the functionality of the device with respect to the interaction
with the process environment.
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