Control panel SP231
System installation
©1997-2015 Trikdis
In order to control the alarm system by means of a keyboard, iButton key or phone call (SMS
message), the “User” level users shall be created. Regarding creating “User” and assigning the
rights to them see 6.9 “User access parameters”.
Sending of reports:
Time setting
In order to receive the reports with a precise event timestamp, it is necessary to set clock time
in the control panel, see 6.5.3 “Setting of control panel clock”.
Enabling report sending
In the control panel with manufacturer set primary configuration the sending function of all
event reports is enabled. Regarding enabling or again disabling sending of the desired event
report, see 6.19 “Setting of event reports”.
SIM card parameters
If report sending is provided via GSM/GPRS, it is necessary to set the parameters of used SIM
card(s), see 6.10 “SIM card parameters”.
Reports to the Central Monitoring Station
Report s to the Central Monitoring Station shall be transmitted only via specified communication
channels. Regarding setting of parameters for report transmission to the Central Monitoring
Station see 6.11 “Report transmission to CMS ”.
Reports to user
Event reports to the user can be sent by SMS messages, and by calling the system shall warn on
occurrence of an event. Regarding correct setting of parameters for report transmission to the
user mobile phone see 6.12 “Report transmission to user”.
System remote control:
User access
In remote mode (by phone call and/or SMS message) the alarm system can be controlled only
by those users, whose phone numbers are entered into the user list. Regarding correct entering
of the phone numbers see 6.9 “User access parameters”.
Control by phone call
By a phone call it is possible not only to switch on/off the protection of all or part of premises,
but also control (start or stop) the equipment connected to PGM terminals. Regarding setting
procedure so it was possible by a phone call to change the status of the preferred PGM terminal,
which is connected to the equipment control circuit, see 6.14 “Control by call”.
Control by SMS messages
Using SMS messages it is possible to change some control panel operation parameters, switch
on/off the protection of all or part of premises, also control (start or stop) the equipment
connected to PGM terminals. The list of programming commands sent by SMS messages is as
follows: 7 “Programming and control by SMS messages”, and regarding setting procedure so it
was possible by SMS message to change the status of the preferred PGM terminal, which is
connected to the equipment control circuit, see 6.13.2 “PGM output remote control”.
Changing of control codes
It is recommended to change the manufacturer set default values of alarm control and control
panel configuration codes that are known only to You.
Master user code shall be changed in the software menu branch Users.
Remote SMS control code shall be changed in the software menu branch Reporting
column User reporting field SMS reporting.
Log on to TrikdisConfig shall be changed in the software menu branch System options
column System administration.