GTM1 User manual V-2020-08-12
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DIAL = event filter for DIAL. 1-DIAL if the event occur, 0-
don‘t DIAL Sequence of the events
1.2.3...n For example: 101000
#= delimiter
e.g.: INST000000 001 1#37066666666#0001000000#0000011111#
Event filter eiliskumas:
2-system open close
10-Input/Zone4 Alarm/Restore
Delete user’s phone number according the
user ID number
. Phone number used for receive
user’s information.
002= command code (deleting user‘s numbers according the user ID number)
ID = user ID number from 1 to 8
To enter user‘s telephone number for remote control via short call
USER NAME-only Latin characters is allowed inside SMS
004= command code (ent
er user‘s telephone number for remote control via short call)
ID = user ID number 001-800
TEL = user‘s telephone number (max 16 digits) without (+) comprised of country code, operator‘s
code and user‘s telephone number. the end symbol #;
OUT= output number, that will be controlled, 1-10.
OPT = DIAL function: 0
– disabled 1 – enabled, Sequence from the left to the right
2-Reserved (GTlarm2 =MIC)
INST000000 005 TEL#
To delete user‘s phone number for remote control, according phone number
005= command code (delete user‘s phone number for remote control, according phone number)
TEL = user‘s phone number (max 16 digits) without (+) comprised of country code, operator‘s code
and user‘s telephone number. User‘s phone number must be the same as in the memory of the
Delete user‘s phone number whose ID number is N.
006= command code (Delete user‘s phone number according user‘s ID number )
N = user‘s ID number from 001 to 800.
Automatic periodical test settings
007= command code (Automatic periodical test)
P= 0-test disabled, 1- test period by 24 hours, 2- period by minutes
PER= automatic test sending period from 1 to 99999 days or minutes
HH-hours 0-23 ,
mm- minutes 0-59
e.g. INST000000 007 2#1#14:50#
The test will be send every 1 minute
GPRS network settings
008= command code (GPRS network settings)
APN=31 symbols
LOGIN=31 symbols
PSW=31 symbols
INST000000 009 ADDR#PORT#
SERA cloud Service Parameters
009= command code (Remote control of the module over the Internet)
ADDR = the format of IP address (the numbers from 0 to 255 should be separated
by dot or domain text length of up to 47 characters)
PORT= TCP port number from 1 to 65535
Default parameters is in the picture bellow. We recommend do not change these parameters.
To activate the connection to the remote control server
010= command code (To activate the connection to the remote control server)
E= 1-enabled, 0-disabled
To change the operation algorithm of the output
019= command code (To change the operation algorithm of the output)
N = output number from 1 to 10
P = output operation algorithm. 0
– output disabled, 1 – Bell, 2- buzzer, 3- flash led, 4- system state
LED, 5-
LED „system ready“, 6- Automation & access control, 7- AC OK, 8 – Battery OK, 9-
ARM/DISARM 10-alarm indication, 11- Lost Primary chanel 12- Lost secondary chanel 13- Fire
sensor14-RH Sensor trouble , 15- Access Gained