Again, this one should be fairly self explanatory. This menu allows setting the time
zone, enabling time sync via NTP servers, or setting the clock manually. We
recommend that you use NTP if at all possible—particularly if you intend to
broadcast time via RBDS.
The default settings for NTP server pools should be sufficient for most users, but
you can also enter your own list of up to 5 NTP servers if you have specific servers
on your network that you need to synchronize to.
This field is primarily for user convenience or management purposes. It serves to
identify the 9sg by a specific location when connected via NfRemote—for example
“Cleveland, Ohio, USA” or “Rack 2, TOC”
Allows a “clean” remote power cycle of 9sg. Normally this would only be necessary
for troubleshooting purposes. Use this with caution as it WILL (obviously) take the
9sg off the air as it reboots. If you have an external processor connected to the MPX
input, the internal relay bypass should pass signal from that audio processor
through to the MPX output while the 9sg reboots.