Delay, Phase Menu
This menu allows setting delays on the left channel, right channel, or both. Along
with the individual channel volume controls described earlier, this can compensate
for monitors that are not equally spaced, which would result in slightly different
arrival times for the audio from each monitor speaker. Controls are provided to
completely invert the polarity of either the left or right channel as well. This can
compensate for miswired cabling resulting in one monitor channel 180 degrees out
of phase with the other (though it would probably be a good idea to fix such an
egregious wiring error). A “Defeat Delay” control is also provided to bypass this
delay entirely.
Channel Coupling Menu
In some installations, the left and right speakers are in similar locations within the
room and relative to the monitoring point. In these situations, EQ and Delay settings
can be applied to both channels by enabling the “Common L/R EQ” and “Common
L/R Delay” controls.
Doing so grays out the right channel controls in the “X-Over” and “Delay Phase”
menus and allows the left channel controls to act as a master for both left and right
channel adjustments.