Bass Menu
These controls affect the texture and feel of the bass clipper.
Unlike most bass clippers, the one in Omnia.9sg can (but does not have to) create
a square wave when processing strong low frequency content.
Setting the “Bass Shape Strength” control at “0” (0%) will always prevent square
waving the bass resulting in a very smooth low end texture, but one that does
not offer the “slam” of a traditional Omnia clipper even on the initial peak of a
bass transient waveform.
Advancing the control toward “1” (100%) will produce more square waves,
increasing the bass “punch” and overall loudness, but at the possible expense of
more distortion in the low end.
The “Bass Shape Frequency” control sets the frequency of the highest harmonic
produced by the bass clipper. Higher settings will produce more and higher
harmonics and create a more complex and frequency-rich bass sound.