Eclipse 8/ 16/ 32 Series - Engineer Programming Manual
LED 8/
The zone 1 is blinking and LED symbol “V” is lighting on to show that the
system is in value programing mode.
The “ENABLE” parameter is set when digit buttons from 0 to 9 are lighting on;
The “DISABLE” parameter is set when all digit buttons are off. Press random
digit button or arrows to switch over.
- Indication for introducing option/ attribute number
The digits of the enabled options/ attributes are displayed on the screen. The
disabled options are performed with asterisk symbol “*”. To enable/ disable an
option press the respective digit number.
LED 16/
LED 32
The digits of the enabled options/ attributes are lighting on the screen. The
disabled options are off. To enable/ disable an option press the respective
digit number.
LED 8/
The zone 1 is blinking and LED symbol “V” is lighting on to show that the
system is in value programing mode.
The digit buttons corresponding to the enabled options/ attributes are lighting
on. The digit buttons corresponding to the disabled options are off. To enable/
disable an option press the respective digit button.
6.3 Special Symbols
The engineer programming is common for every Eclipse Series control panels. Use the quick tables in the beginning of
every menu to check the availability of address numbers for programming and settings.
The pictograms for Eclipse series are placed in front of important notes concerning the different models control panels.
The pictograms used in the descriptions below have the following meaning:
- The option, parameter or setting is available or specific for ECLIPSE 8 control panel.
- The option, parameter or setting is available or specific for ECLIPSE 16 control panel.
- The option, parameter or setting is available or specific for ECLIPSE 32 control panel.
- The option, parameter or setting is accessible only through LCD keyboard.
- The setting is specific when using LED 8 keyboard.
- The setting is specific when using LED 16A keyboard.
- Important note concerning programming.
- Useful tip.
- Example.
- The address description continues on the next page.