How to Operate Your Instrument
Arrowhead Display
Pressing the
button calls up the Main pop-up menu. From the Main pop-up menu, you can select the Arrowhead
display under the Gamut heading. The Arrowhead display is used to show out-ot-gamut conditions in composite color space,
without requiring a composite encoder. The Arrowhead display plots luma on the vertical axis, with blanking at the lower-left
corner of the arrow. The magnitude of the chroma subcarrier at each luma level is plotted on the horizontal axis, with zero
subcarrier at the left edge of the arrow. The upper sloping line forms a graticule indicating total luma + subcarrier amplitudes.
The lower sloping graticule indicates luma+subcarrier extending toward sync tip (maximum transmitter power).
Display Elements:
1. Y High threshold:
Shows the level
above which the Luminance value is
considered too large and out of gamut.
Signals above this level will trigger an
error/alarm if the number of pixels in
error exceeds the Y Area setting.
2. Y Low threshold:
Shows the level
below which the Luminance value is
considered too small and out of gamut.
Signals below this level will trigger an
error/alarm if the number of pixels in
error exceeds the Y Area setting.
3. Y Area
- Specifies the percentage of the
total image pixels (up to 10%) that can
be outside the current Luma limits, yet
not be reported as an error.
4. Y + C High threshold:
Shows the level
above which the Luma + Chroma value
is considered too large and out of gamut.
Signals above this level will trigger an
error/alarm if the number of pixels in
error exceeds the Y + C Area setting.
5. Y + C Low threshold:
Shows the level
below which the Luma + Chroma value
is considered too small and out of gamut.
Signals below this level will trigger an
error/alarm if the number of pixels in
error exceeds the Y + C Area setting.
6. Y + C Area
- Specifies the percentage of
the total image pixels (up to 10%) that
can be outside the current gamut limits,
yet not be reported as an error.
7. Threshold indicators:
indicates the
threshold settings using blue dashed
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