How to Operate Your Instrument
Usage Notes
Until you press the + icon (so it is colored blue), touching a soft key may or may not initiate an action. For example, if the
Main menu is displayed, touching the Audio soft key will display the Audio menu. From the Audio menu, touching Audio
Settings will display the Audio Settings submenu. But, touching several of the soft keys in the Audio Settings submenu will
not display a lower level submenu (though some will). This indicates that you cannot select anything below that level.
You do not have to remove a soft key from the User menu to replace it. If you select an existing soft key in the custom menu,
it will be overwritten by the soft key you add.
The first time you create a custom menu, instruction dialogs will appear to explain how to create a User menu. You can
turn off the instructions by checking the
Don’t show this message again
checkbox in the dialog. You can also turn off the
instructions (and turn them back on) using the
Show Instruction Dialogs
soft key in the Configure User Menu submenu.
You can remove a single button from the User menu by using the
Remove 1 User Button
soft key in the Configure User
Menu submenu. You can remove all buttons from the User menu by using the
Remove 1 User Button
soft key in the
Configure User Menu submenu.
Waveform Display
The WFM button displays the Waveform (WFM) display, which is the familiar voltage versus time display used to view a
waveform. You can view the input signal in line or field sweep. You can choose the mode in which SDI signal elements are
displayed (RGB, YRGB, or YPbPr), and you can apply filters to the signal. You can also display an SDI input as though it
were a composite signal. You can also control whether EAV and SAV is included in the display in the Settings submenu.
Waveform Display Elements:
Is colored white when vertical gain is X1;
otherwise yellow color indicates V Gain
is x2 or greater, or set to variable.
Is colored white when Horiz. Mag. is X1;
otherwise yellow color indicates H Mag
is x10 or greater, or set to Best View.
Lists the currently displayed waveform
color-space. Dashes (--) indicate
components not displayed.
List the current sweep rate for tile.
Lists the currently selected field and line
(when in Line Select mode).
Quick Start User Manual
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