How to Operate Your Instrument
Waveform Menu and Settings
The Waveform menu enables you to choose the display style and display mode used in the active tile (SDI inputs only),
select a filter to apply to the input signal, and set the sweep mode.
To display the Waveform menu:
on the front panel.
To specify the color space used to display the signal, use the Color Space menu to select among the following the choices
(only available while displaying SDI inputs) :
YPbPr - Displays the input as Luminance (Y) and color difference (Pb, Pr) components.
YRGB - Displays the input as Luminance (Y), Red (R), Green (G), and Blue (B) components.
RGB - Displays the input as Red (R), Green (G), and Blue (B) components.
SDI -> Composite - Displays the SDI input as if it has been encoded into composite. The sync and burst in this mode are
synthetic and convey no information about signal quality.
When viewing 525-line SDI input as a composite waveform while using line select mode, both burst phases may appear
when you would expect to see only one. This is because the line selection in SDI Mode is an odd/even selection, while
composite signals are normally viewed with a one-of-four or one-of-eight line selection.
To choose how the signal components are displayed in the active tile, use the display mode setting to select:
Parade - has all the components shown one beside the other like cars in a parade.
Overlay - has all the components drawn at the same location so that they appear one on top of the other.
The Waveform menu
selection allows you to select filters to be applied to SDI video signals. This is useful to isolate a
specific characteristic of the input. For example, to measure amplitude, you may want to use a Low pass filter to remove
the high frequency components.
To choose a filter, select one of the following filters from the Filter menu:
- Display with the full available bandwidth.
Low Pass
- Display only the low-frequency portion of the signal.
submenu allows you to select filters to be applied to Composite video signals. This is useful to isolate a
specific characteristic of the input. For example, to measure amplitude, you may want to use a Luma or Low pass filter
to remove the high frequency components.
To choose a filter, select one of the following filters from the Filter submenu:
- Display with the full available bandwidth.
- Display only the low-frequency portion of the signal.
- Display only the portion of the signal with frequencies near the color subcarrier. For Composite inputs only.
The Sweep soft key is used to specify whether lines or fields are shown in the Waveform display. To set the sweep, select on
of the following choices from the Sweepsubmenu:
1 Line
- One horizontal line is displayed. Use the Line Select function to choose one line out of a field or frame.
2 Line
- (Overlay layout mode only) Two consecutive horizontal lines are displayed.
1 Field
- All lines for one video field are displayed.
2 Field
- (Overlay layout mode only) All lines for two video fields are displayed.
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