Checking Gamut
Usage Notes
Adjusting the threshold level limits: (See page 112,
Adjusting Gamut Limits
To automate this check: (See page 111,
Automating Gamut Checks
.) Then enable alarms in Main > Config > Alarm Setup.
Checking Luma Gamut
Luma limit thresholds can be configured for identifying luma exceeding threshold limits. They apply to both the incoming
SDI and to the arrowhead representation of the SDI input as a composite signal.
The thresholds are affected by your choice of set-up or no set-up for the Arrowhead display.
Perform the
Setting up for Gamut Checks
procedure.(See page 105,
Setting up for
Gamut Checks
.). Select Arrowhead as
the display.
Compare the signal to display to
determine out of gamut luminance. Note
the following:
The adjustable thresholds are
indicated by the dark blue horizontal
graticule lines.
The thresholds are defined in terms
of percent of full scale.
The range for the Upper limit is 90%
to 108%.
The range to the Lower Limit is -6%
to +5%.
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