You can set the instrument to trigger on a parallel bus when the instrument detects a match to the bus pattern, or when the instrument
detects that the value on the bus is < or > the value of the bus pattern. The pattern can be in Binary or Hex format.
You can set the instrument to trigger on an SPI bus when the instrument detects an SS Active bus cycle or Data.
You can set the instrument to trigger on an I2C bus when the instrument detects a Start, Stop, Repeated Start, Missing Ack, Address,
Data, or Addr + Data bus cycle or activity.
You can set the instrument to trigger on a USB bus (Low and Full Speed USB) when the instrument detects a Sync, Reset, Suspend,
Resume, End of Packet, Token (Address) Packet, Data Packet, Handshake Packet, Special Packet, or Error bus cycle or activity.
You can set the instrument to trigger on an RS232 bus when the instrument detects a Start, End of Packet, Data, or Parity Error bus cycle
or activity.
You can set the instrument to trigger on an CAN bus when the instrument detects a Start of Frame, Type of Frame, Identifier, Data, Id and
Data, End of Frame, Missing Acq, FD bit, or Bit Stuffing Error bus cycle or activity.
You can set the instrument to trigger on an LIN bus when the instrument detects a Sync, Identifier, Data, Identifier & Data, Wakeup Frame,
Sleep Frame, or Error bus cycle or activity.
You can set the instrument to trigger on an FlexRay bus when the instrument detects a Start of Frame, Indicator Bits, Identifier, Cycle
Count, Header Fields, Data, Identifier & Data, End of Frame, or Error bus cycle or activity.
You can set the instrument to trigger on an AUDIO bus when the instrument detects a Word Select, Frame Sync, or Data bus cycle or
For all the serial standard buses, you can also set the component threshold levels through the Bus Setup menu
Pulse width trigger concepts
A pulse width trigger occurs when the instrument detects a pulse that is less than, greater than, equal to, or not equal to a specified time.
Additionally, you can trigger when a pulse width is within or outside a range of two different specified times. The instrument can trigger on
positive or negative width pulses.
Timeout trigger
A timeout trigger occurs when the instrument does not detect an expected pulse transition within a user specified period of time, such as
when a signal gets stuck either high or low. If the pulse transition occurs prior to a specified timeout time (the expected case), then no
trigger results.
Runt trigger
A runt trigger occurs when the instrument detects a short pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before
recrossing the first. You can set the instrument to detect any positive or negative runt pulse, or only those wider than a specified minimum
Logic trigger concepts
Logic trigger the instrument when all channels transition to the specified state. You can set each bit to be active High, Low, or Don't Care.
You can also set the logic thresholds and define the logic (AND, OR, NOR, or NAND).
Setup and Hold trigger concepts
A setup/hold trigger occurs when a data signal changes state inside of the user specified setup and hold times relative to the clock. When
you use setup/hold triggering, you define:
• The channel containing the logic input (the data source) and the channel containing the clock (the clock source)
Triggering concepts
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