Quick Tips
Math waveforms can be created from channel or reference waveforms or a combination of them.
Measurements can be taken on math waveforms in the same way as on channel waveforms.
Math waveforms derive their horizontal scale and position from the sources in their math expressions. Adjusting these controls for the
source waveforms also adjusts the math waveform.
Using advanced math
The advanced math feature lets you create a custom math waveform expression that can incorporate active and reference waveforms,
measurements, and/or numeric constants.
To use the advanced math feature:
1. Tap the Add Math Ref Bus button and then tap Math. This creates a Math badge and displays the math waveform.
2. Double-tap the Math badge to open the Math configuration menu.
3. Tap the Math Type Advanced button.
4. Tap the Edit button. The Equation Editor menu is displayed.
5. Use the Equation Editor buttons to create custom expressions.
6. When done, tap OK.
For example, to use Equation Editor to take the integral of a square wave:
1. Tap Clear.
2. Tap Functions Intg(.
3. Tap Sources Ch1 to select channel 1.
4. Tap Miscellaneous ).
5. Tap OK.
Using FFT
This topic explains how to use an FFT to display a graph of the frequency domain of a signal.
An FFT function breaks down signals into component frequencies, which the oscilloscope uses to display a graph of the frequency
domain of a signal, as opposed to the oscilloscope's standard time domain graph. You can match these frequencies with known system
frequencies, such as system clocks, oscillators, or power supplies.
1. Tap the Add Math Ref Bus button and select Math. This adds the Math badge to the Settings bar .
2. Tap Math Type FFT.
3. Tap Source and select the source from the list. Choices are: channels 1, 2, (3, and 4 on four-channel models), reference waveforms
R1, R2, (R3, and R4 on four-channel models).
4. Tap Units and select either Linear or dBV.
5. Tap Window and select the desired window. Window choices are: Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, and Blackman-Harris.
6. Tap Horizontal Scale and Horizontal Position activate the Multipurpose a and Multipurpose b knobs to pan and zoom the FFT
7. The FFT will appear on the display.
Quick Tips
Use short record lengths for faster instrument response.
Use long record lengths to lower the noise relative to the signal and increase the frequency resolution.
If desired, use the zoom feature along with the horizontal Position and Scale controls to magnify and position the FFT waveform.
Measurement concepts
3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Printable Help