I2C serial bus configuration menu
on page 123
SPI serial bus configuration menu
CAN serial bus configuration menu
on page 120
LIN serial bus configuration menu
on page 124
FlexRay serial bus configuration menu
on page 122
Audio serial bus configuration menu
on page 118
USB serial bus configuration menu
on page 132
on page 117
See also
on page 199
Bus Search configuration menus
Add Results Table
Use the Results Table button to add a table of all active measurements, searches, bus decode values, and harmonics. Results tables show
values in a spreadsheet-like format.
To add a result table to the screen:
1. Tap Results Table.
2. Tap Measure, Bus1, Bus2, Search, or Harmonics to select a table type. The content displayed depends on the selected tab.
Results Table menu fields and controls
Field or control
Display a table of all the measurements in the Results bar.
Bus 1
Display a table of the bus decode results.
Each row in the event table represents a time-stamped byte, packet, or word, depending on the bus
type. As you scroll the event table using the multipurpose knob, the view point in the oscilloscope
display updates to show the position in the waveform corresponding to the event in the Event Table.
Bus 2
Display a table of all defined searches with each search shown on its own tab. The search mark table
shows a time-stamped listing of each event.
Displays a table of the Harmonics measurement results (optional). Select between table view and bar
graph view using the Harmonics tab.
• To save the results table, double-tap the results table and tap Save Table to open the Save As menu.
• To change the vertical size of the results table, tap the bottom border of the table and drag it to a new location.
Menus and dialog boxes
3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Printable Help