Fields or controls
Toggles the spectrogram traces on or off. The spectrogram display is useful for monitoring slowly-
changing RF phenomena. The x-axis represents frequency, just like the typical spectrum display. The
y-axis represents time. Color indicates amplitude.
Spectrogram slices are generated by taking each spectrum and flipping it on its edge so that it is one
pixel row tall, and then assigning colors to each pixel based on the amplitude at that frequency with
the cold colors of blue and green representing low amplitude, and the hotter colors of yellow and red
indicating higher amplitude. Each new acquisition adds another slice at the bottom of the spectrogram,
and the history moves up one row. See
on page 244 for more information.
Graticule Style
Sets the type of graticule to display.
Full displays a frame, cross hairs, and a grid on the display. This style is useful for making quick,
full-screen measurements with cursors and automatic readouts when cross hairs are not needed.
Grid, Solid, and Cross Hair provide compromises between Frame and Full.
Frame provides a clean screen on which you can most easily read automatic measurement results
and other screen text.
Graticule Intensity
Sets the brightness of the graticule. Tap the field and use the A knob to set the graticule intensity.
Screen Annotation
Double-tap the field and use the keyboard to add text to the display.
Selected Trace
Makes the Normal, Average, Max Hold, or Min Hold trace the selected trace.
Cursors menu (RF view)
Use the RF view cursors to take manual measurements on spectrum signals.
To open the RF view cursors menu, double-tap on a cursor or its readout in the Waveform View window.
Cursors menu (RF view), fields and controls
Field or control
Toggles the spectrum cursor display On or Off.
Reference To Center
Moves the reference cursor to the center of the display.
Cursor A X-Position
Sets a specific x-axis position for Cursor A using the multipurpose knob or the virtual keypad.
Cursor B X-Position
Sets a specific x-axis position for Cursor B using the multipurpose knob or the virtual keypad.
Sets the cursor readouts to show Absolute or Delta values.
Delta readouts are relative to the Reference Marker.
Menus and dialog boxes
3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Printable Help