WCL488 Series Water Cooled Electronic Loads
Operation & Programming Manual
TDI-Dynaload Division
Page 2
402828, Rev. B1
Low water flow (3gpm at 10°C / 12kW)
Range switching for increased resolution and accuracy
WCL488 Dimensions: 19 inches W x 5.22 inches H x 24 inches D
WCS Dimensions: 19 inches W x 3.47 inches H x 24 inches D.
The Dynaload modes of operation are described in the sections that follow and are thoroughly
detailed in
Chapter 2 — Installation and Wiring
Modes of Operation
The Dynaload is a precision instrument that simulates DC loads to test power supplies,
generators, servo systems, batteries and similar DC sources.
The WCL488 series provides four basic modes of operation: Constant Current, Constant
Resistance, Constant Voltage, Constant Power and Pulse Mode. Complete control is available
through the full feature front panel, IEEE-488 bus or optional RS232 interface. A 0-10V analog
programming input is also available in all of the four modes of operation. The connections for
IEEE-488 and analog programming are located at the rear of the unit. Refer to Figure 1 through
Figure 4 and the four modes of operation explanations that follow.
Constant Current Mode
Referring to Figure 1, the Dynaload will sink the set current regardless of the input voltage.
Figure 1. Constant Current Mode
402825-02-01.C D R
Current Setting
Input Voltage