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T A L K S W I T C H U S E R G U I D E • N O R T H A M E R I C A
Recorded instructions played to a caller by TalkSwitch. Prompts are also used
to provide instructions when you configure TalkSwitch using a telephone
Public Switched Telephone Network
. Your incoming phone line is on a PSTN.
Registered jacks
Telephone and data plugs registered with the FCC.
Remote extension
A call forwarding number that can be a telephone number in any location,
set up as a virtual extension of the TalkSwitch unit. The remote extension is
assigned an extension number and has a voice mailbox.
Ringer Equivalency Number
. A number determined in accordance with the US
code of federal regulations. It represents the ringer loading effect on a line.
Registered jack 11
is used to connect single dual-wire telephone lines. It is
used with telephones, cordless phones, fax machines and modems.
Registered jack 14
usually connects dual-line telephone devices and supports
four conductors.
Registered jack 45
supports eight conductors and is generally used for
networking applications.
Real-time Transport Protocol
. It defines a format for delivering audio and
video files over the Internet.
Determining the path that a message or call has to take over circuits.
TalkSwitch routes incoming calls according to the configuration.
Serial communication
A type of electronic communication requiring data bits to be sent one after
the other, unlike parallel communication. Modems rely on serial
communication to send data over telephone lines.
Shortcut key
A key combination that causes a specific command to be executed. Shortcut
keys combine the Ctrl or Alt keys with other keys. (e.g. Ctrl and C is the
shortcut key to copy selected items).