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T A L K S W I T C H US E R G U I D E • N O R T H A M E R I C A
You only have one line and can only handle one call at a
time. The phone company may charge a fee for a distinctive ring.
Automatic fax detection with the auto attendant
An auto attendant can detect incoming fax calls and route them
accordingly. For more information, see Automatic fax detection
page 53.
: Calls are automatically handled for you, no distinctive ring
service and no listening to ring patterns are required. Incoming phone lines
are shared between all phones and faxes, making better use of your
Older fax machines do not emit a CNG tone and the auto
attendant cannot detect them. Dedicated fax line
If you have a dedicated fax line or number, your fax machine should be
connected to an extension jack on the same unit as the fax line. Leave this
line directly connected to your fax machine. Connect the remaining
incoming telephone lines to your unit. Incoming telephone lines will be
handled by the unit and your fax will work the way it has always worked.
Figure 47: Dedicated fax line
1. Open the TalkSwitch configuration software.
2. Select
System Information
Fax Information
3. In the
Dedicated fax line
section, select the fax number from the
drop-down list next to
Fax number:
4. In the
Fax extension
section, select the extension number where your
fax is connected.
After installing TalkSwitch, the fax machine remains on its own dedicated line.
All incoming telephone lines are shared by the remaining office phones.