Chapter 04:
Using Your eo TufTab with Windows XP
Decreasing the interval will increase the touch screen’s sampling
frequency, making lines and curves you draw appear smoother,
but at the expense of making the panel react more slowly when
dragging objects.
Increasing the interval will speed up the rate at which objects are
tracked, but because the number of samples will decrease, the
tracking will be rougher or less accurate.
Calibrating the Touch Screen
If you find that the pointer isn’t properly following the touch of
your stylus pen, you might need to calibrate the touch screen.
Tap on the
“Calibration” tab
and select the
desired level of
accuracy. Most of
the time, a 9-point
calibration is
Tap on the
“Calibrate Now”
button to begin
the calibration
routine. Follow the
on-screen instructions and tap in the center of the crosses
that appear on-screen.
After you have tapped on all the applicable crosses, you will
be presented with a white screen and a floating window that
contains four buttons. You may use the stylus to draw in the
white portion of the screen to test your calibration results. If
you find the results unsatisfactory, tap the “Calib screen”
button to repeat the calibration routine. Tapping the “Cursor
on/off” button will hide/show the pointer icon so you can