Chapter 01:
Gettng Started
Please be sure to check that the Quck Start Gude matches the Operatng
System (OS) preloaded on your eo TufTab. There wll not be a Quck Start Gude
ncluded f you ordered your UMPC wth openSUSE Lnu.
Please be sure to check that the Operatng System Dsc matches the Operatng
System (OS) preloaded on your eo TufTab. There wll not be an Operatng
System Dsc ncluded f you ordered your UMPC wthout an OS opton.
Setting Up Your eo TufTab
Please read the followng steps to begn usng your new UMPC
as quckly and easly as possble.
Connect the eo TufTab to an Eternal Power Source.
Connect Applcable Perpherals and Networkng Cables.
Power on the eo TufTab
Complete the Operatng System Installaton
Usng the Stylus Pen
Step 1: Connect the eo TufTab to an External Power Source
Locate the AC adapter and the power cord. Plug the power cord
securely nto the AC adapter. Plug the AC adapter’s connecton
cable nto the
port on the left sde of the eo TufTab. Once the
adapter plug s securely n place, plug the power cord nto an
eternal power socket.
Plugging into an
external power source