Chapter 01:
Gettng Started
Step 5: Using the Stylus Pen
Unlke a standard laptop or desktop PC, navgatonal actvtes on
a UMPC are completed usng the stylus pen, or even your fingers.
Navgatng wth a touch screen s dfferent from navgatng wth
a mouse. Hold the stylus pen as f you were wrtng wth a
standard pen. Instead of sldng the pen around the screen,
just tap on what you want to nteract wth. Sldng the pen
whle lghtly touchng the tp to the screen wll move the
onscreen ponter around as f you were usng a mouse and
holdng down the left mouse button. In other words, you would
be performng what s known as a drag operaton.
Also, remember that snce the screen s senstve to the touch,
restng your hand on the screen whle usng the pen mght make
the ponter react unpredctably.
TIP: When trying to select or activate something on the screen with
the stylus pen, pay attention to the position of the pointer icon
instead of the tip of the pen.
Tappng lghtly on the screen wll perform a standard left mouse
button clck. To perform a rght mouse button clck, locate
con located n the system tray (near the clock on the
task bar). Tap on t to change t to
. Your net tap wll be a
Hold the stylus like a standard
pen and avoid resting your
hand on the screen