SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Product Family LPR
-1DHP-200 – Product Documentation
Device Setup via the Web User Interface
Copyright © Symeo GmbH 2018
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Device - Settings – Measurement Details
The available measurement details settings depend on your selected radar mode:
Measurement Details for Primary Radar Mode
In this menu, the following settings are available:
Customer specific offset
The offset can be used to calibrate the reference plane for the distance
measurements according to the customer’s setup. The value is added to the
measured distance.
Average spectra
Spectra can be averaged before applying the peak search algorithm. Averaging more
spectra will reduce the noise but it will also reduce the measurement rate.
Peak search mode
The radar will either detect the first or the strongest target above the thresholds
defined below.
Start target range
This parameter defines the start of the target search area. Targets below this distance
will be ignored.
Minimum level short range
This parameter defines the required minimum level for valid targets in the short range
area. Targets with a lower signal level will be ignored.
End short range
This parameter defines the end of the short range area where the respective
minimum level is required for valid targets.
Minimum level mid range
This parameter defines the required minimum level for valid targets in the long range
area. Targets with a lower signal level will be ignored.
End mid range
This parameter defines the end of the mid range area where the respective minimum
level is required for valid targets.
Minimum level long range
This parameter defines the required minimum level for valid targets in the long range
area. Targets with a lower signal level will be ignored.
End long range
This parameter defines the end of the long range area where the respective minimum
level is required for valid targets.
FFT size
The maximum range and update rate of the sensor is limited internally by the FFT
size. For maximum range, choose the large FFT. For maximum update rate, choose
the small FFT.
Maximum occurring speed
The maximum occurring speed is used internally to validate the measurement results.