SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Product Family LPR
-1DHP-200 – Product Documentation
Device Setup via the Web User Interface
Copyright © Symeo GmbH 2018
Page 58 of 71
Measurement Rate Statistics
Figure 8.29: Diagnostics - Measurement rate over distance diagram
This diagram shows the recorded distance-measurement rate pairs since the last power-on.
You can use it to detect systematical measurement errors at certain constellations of the two
stations, as the measurement rate decreases in this case.
The diagram is automatically refreshed every 10 seconds.
The distance axis displays the distance between the two LPR
stations, and the
measurement rate axis the current rate of range measurements in Hertz. As the
measurement rate at specific distances may vary, the statistical distribution of the
measurement rate is also recorded. Displayed are the mean measurement rate, the 10 %
quantile and the 90 % quantile. The quantiles give you information about how many recorded
measurement rate values were lower than the corresponding line. 10 % of the recorded
measurement rates were lower than the 10 % quantile line and 90 % were lower than the 90
% quantile line, leaving 80 % in between those two lines. This way you get an idea of the
measurement rate distribution per distance without including extreme outliers. This helps
identifying distances with increased errors in range measurement (e.g. due to multipath
signal propagation), as the measurement rate decreases as errors are encountered.