SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Product Family LPR
-1DHP-200 – Product Documentation
Copyright © Symeo GmbH 2018
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For a primary radar distance measurement, typically a single radar unit and a recommended
corner reflector are mounted facing each other.
For operation in the primary radar mode the following issues must be considered:
The radar and the corner reflector must be installed in a way that the center of the corner
reflector is aligned with the center of the radar beam.
The reflector has to be either the nearest (first) target or the strongest target to be
detected properly.
Radar and radar reflector must be aligned to each other with maximum accuracy (at least
+/- 2,5°).
Minimum horizontal and vertical offset between radar and reflector must be ensured.
Follow the subsequent steps for proper installation of radar unit and reflector:
Mount a standard mounting bracket on one side of your measurement setup.
Mount the radar into the mounting bracket.
Mount a corner reflector to the other side of your measurement setup.
Mount the corner reflector in a way, that the opening faces the radar. The 3 corners of the
corner reflector opening must have equal distance to the radar.
Carefully align the radar to the corner cube reflector. To do so, it is recommended to use
a laser level fitted into the alignment aid, which should point at the reflector.
Fix the system by tightening the screws of the mounting bracket and the pipe clamp with
the correct tightening torques.
Connect the power supply and Ethernet cable with M12 connectors as specified in
chapter 4.3.1 and 4.3.2.
5.3 Mounting for Secondary Radar Mode
The Secondary Radar Mode is available for Product Types LPR
1DHP-260 and LPR
For a secondary radar distance measurement, two radar units, one configured as a “master”
and one as a “slave” are mounted facing each other in a way, that the center of the emitted
radar beam of each unit hits the other unit. The master unit initiates the measurement while
the slave unit replies.
For operation in the secondary radar mode the following issues must be considered:
The two radar units must be installed in a way, that the center of the emitted radar beam
of each unit hits the other unit.
The two radar units must be oriented exactly equally or turned by 180° along the radar
beam axis (e.g. connectors of both devices facing downwards).
Minimum horizontal and vertical offset between both radar units must be ensured.
Both radar units must be aligned to each other with maximum accuracy (at least +/- 2,5°).