TCV e2 User Manual
34 of 36
P/N 857414 Rev A
Data: up to 25 characters
8. Identifier part 4
This command sets the Identifier part 4 (VIN characters 76-100) reported by the unit in tightening result
messages and the ACOP MID 0152 Multiple identifier and result parts notifications.
Data: up to 25 characters
10. Reset batch count
This command resets the count of the running parameter on the interface corresponding to the barcode
Data: none
11. Start Parameter
This command instructs the unit to start a parameter. Any other running parameter or job will be
stopped before starting the new parameter.
Data: number of up to 3 digits specifying the parameter number to select (1-100)
This bar code would select parameter 73.
13. Stop
This command instructs the unit to stop any running parameter or job.
Data: none
30. Reset parameter batch count
This command resets the count of the specified parameter. If the specified parameter is not running,
this bar code is ignored.
Data: number of up to 3 digits specifying the parameter number to reset the batch (1-100)
This bar code would reset the current batch count of parameter 35.
To reset all batch counts at once, use command 10. Reset batch count.