EyeLink II Scene Camera User Manual
2004-2007 SR Research Ltd.
operations (e.g., video setup, camera alignment, and depth correction) can also
be performed from this screen.
2.1.2 Main Functions
Press Auto Threshold to threshold the
selected camera image. In most cases
auto thresholding will set the correct
image threshold for the camera.
Keys: A = Auto threshold selected
Use the arrow buttons to manually
increase or decrease the selected
camera’s pupil threshold.
= increase and decrease
If available, use the arrow buttons to
manually increase or decrease the
selected camera’s corneal threshold.
Keys: + and - = increase / decrease
corneal reflection threshold
If available, use the arrow buttons to
manually increase or decrease the
head camera threshold.
Select the tracking mode for recording.
Here the Pupil-Corneal Reflection
mode is selected.
Keys: P toggles Pupil only or Pupil-CR
mode selection
Select the sampling rate for recording.
Here 250 Hz is selected. Note that in
Pupil-CR mode, 500Hz is not available.
Keys: F = toggles sampling Frequency
Toggles display of crosshair in eye
camera images.
Keys: X = toggle crosshair display