EyeLink II Scene Camera User Manual
2004-2007 SR Research Ltd.
4.8.1 Problem with Recording
4-11. Problem during Recording: "No EDF
As mentioned earlier, the gaze cursor will be drawn overlaid on top of the scene
video when the recording starts. If the gaze cursor disappears when the record
button is pressed and a red “NO EDF TIME” warning message is shown at the
scene window, this means that the SceneLink application cannot detect the
time code for synchronization between the eye data and scene video. To fix this
Close the current experiment session. From the application menu bar,
click “View -> Preferences” and select the “Advanced” tab of the
preferences dialog box. Set the “Time Code Threshold” to a lower value
(e.g., 430).
Redo the display area detection by making the crawling box smaller
(especially the top edge, see section 4.3 “Display Area Detection Mode”).
4.8.2 Synchronization with Third-Party Recording Devices
The SceneLink software allows users to send out synchronization signals to
other third-party data acquisition devices through the parallel port of either the
display computer or the EyeLink host computer. Please make sure you have
installed the DriverLINX Port I/O Driver to support this capability. Before