EyeLink II Scene Camera User Manual
2004-2007 SR Research Ltd.
3-15. Missing Scene Camera Buttons
If there is no problem with the above two steps, open the Scenecam.ini
and/or final.ini to make sure both
are set to “ON” or “YES”.
3.7.3 Seeing a Black Screen
If you only see a black screen in the video window (See Figure 3-16), please
check the scene camera system setup again:
Has the cap of the scene camera been removed?
Have you plugged in the right power adapter of the scene camera?
Have you connected the video cable from the scene camera to the “V-IN”
of the overlay box?
Have you plugged in the right power adapter of the green AVT Overlay
Box? Is it powered on (not in the “standby” mode)?
Check the follow connections and settings on the AVT Overlay Box:
Does the type of scene camera video output cable match the
setting of video source input in the overlay box (i.e., “S-IN” when
S-video input is used and “V-IN” when composite video input is