This document is written and published by ShockWatch, Inc. All rights reserved.
It is not advisable to scroll through the events when the Events data table is open as it will dramatically
reduce the speed at which the software is able to load the next event.
To add any of the summary or slot information in addition to the event data, check the appropriate boxes to be
exported. Click on the “Export” button, and when the system has finished an export completed window will appear.
The exported data files are recorded in the Export directory under the ShockLog system. If unsure of the route
to this directory, view the “Data path” option under the tools menu, and the export folder can be found in the
directory that holders the Data, Setup and XML files. The files can then be imported into any appropriate software
application as required.
With the ShockLog software users have the option to choose how graph scaling is presented. The system default
is to present the graphs on an “Auto” scaling setting that will maximize the scale to fit the page display. However,
this can prove to be a little confusing if the user is trying to scroll through a number of events to identify the more
significant ones as the scale will continuously changes when scrolling between the various events. It is possible to
set the system into a “Maximum” setting that will retain the axis at the g range set for the recorded data.
To change the settings, click on the arrow next to “Graph Scaling” and select either the “Auto” or “Maximum” from
the drop-down menu. Once changed, this setting will be applied to all future data files viewed until changed again.