This document is written and published by ShockWatch, Inc. All rights reserved.
3. Event Alarm
• Tri-color LED (green, amber & red)
• Flashes every ten (10) seconds when in Waiting State, or every five (5) seconds when in Running State
• Condition
No events
- Flashes green
Warning event(s) recorded (with no Alarm events)
- Flashes amber
Alarm event recorded
- Flashes red
For ShockLog units with firmware v27 and above, All LED’s flash red every ten (10) seconds when the unit is in the
Stopped state.
The ShockLog can be stopped with the Stop ibutton or it can be stopped after connecting the ShockLog to a USB
port. To prevent capturing impact events resulting from dismounting the ShockLog, a best practice is to use the
Stop ibutton.
Remove the black plug from the ibutton port.
Insert the STOP ibutton into the ibutton port.
All three LEDs will flash red every ten (10) seconds when the unit has been stopped.