This publication must be read in its entirety before performing any operation. Failure
to understand and follow these instructions could result in serious personal injury
and/or damage to the equipment. Should this equipment require repair or adjustment
beyond the procudures given herein, contact the factory at:
Spirax Sarco Inc.
2150 Miller Drive
Longmont, CO 80501
Phone: 800.356.9362
Fax: 303.682.7069
Spirax Sarco believes that the information provided herein is accurate;
however, be advised that the information contained herein is NOT a guarantee
for satisfactory results. Specifically, this information is neither a warranty nor
guarantee, expressed or implied, regarding performance, merchantability, fitness,
or any other matter with respect to the products; nor recommendation for the use
of the product/process information in conflict with any patent. Please note that Spirax
Sarco. reserves the right to change and/or improve the product
design and specification without notice.
All Spirax Manuals and software for the MTI10/MTL10 are available in English only.