F1 F2 F3 F4
F1 F2 F3 F4
20 maCv2=450 SCFM
4 maCv2=0
Appendices: MTI10/MTL10 with 2 Gas Curves
20 maCv2 is the upper limit associated with curve 2.
Change it as needed and press OK.
4 maCv2 is the lower limit associated with curve 2.
Change it as needed and press OK.
6) Operation:
To avoid confusion, only one of two techniques is enabled. If the
contact input is assigned to switch gas curves, then the ability
to switch using the F2 and F3 function keys on the front panel is
Two totalizers (Total 1 and Total 2) and two elapsed time counters are
available on the display and through the USB serial communication.
The reset function will reset all totalizers and elapsed time counter to
In the event of a power failure, the software will remember the last
curve in use. Upon powering up again, the MTI10/MTL10 unit will
continue to use that curve.
• Switching between gas curves will require a password unless the
password is set to "0", which disables it.
• The calibration certificates for order with 2 gas curves will identify
which gas is Gas 1 and Gas 2.
When measuring in mass units, a density value must be entered for
each gas curve.
MTI10/MTL10 2
Gas Curves