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5.2 Wiring of the Termination / Link Unit (UT/UR)
Use of Termination / Link Unit in “
” mode:
Wiring of the Termination Unit is done on
Terminal 1 or Terminal 2
The selection switch of the cable type is not used.
Move the configuration switch to “
” to initiate operating mode:
Use of Termination / Link Unit in “
” mode:
Wiring of the Termination Unit is done on
Terminal 1 and Terminal 2
The selection switch of the cable type is configured according to the wiring of the detector
cable as explained below.
Move the configuration switch to “
” to initiate operating mode:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Terminal 2:
5 - Red wire of detector cable
6 - Black wire of detector cable
7 - Yellow wire of detector cable
8 - Green wire of detector cable
Selection switch of
cable type
Configuration switch for
operating mode
Strap “factory”:
Do not change its
position between 1 and 2
Terminal 1:
1 - Red wire of detector cable
2 - Black wire of detector cable
3 - Yellow wire of detector cable
4 - Green wire of detector cable