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5.1 Wiring of the Control Unit (UG)
1 2 3 4
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18
5 6
Wiring of detector cable zone 1:
1 - Red wire of detector cable zone 1
2 - Black wire of detector cable zone 1
3 - Yellow wire of detector cable zone 1
4 - Green wire of detector cable zone 1
Wiring of detector cable zone 2:
15 - Red wire of detector cable zone 2
16 - Black wire of detector cable zone 2
17 - Yellow wire of detector cable zone 2
18 - Green wire of detector cable zone 2
Power supply:
5 - + 12V
6 - 0V
Alarm Output:
11 - Intrusion Relay Zone 1 C
12 - Intrusion Relay Zone 1 NO
13 - Intrusion Relay Zone 2 C
14 - Intrusion Relay Zone 2 NO
Technical Output:
7 - Technical Alarm Relay C
8 - Technical Alarm Relay NO
9 - Tamper
10 - Tamper