Issue 11
© Solarflare Communications 2014
Solarflare Server Adapter
User Guide
setup.exe /Filename <filename>
Log all output to the specified file.
setup.exe /Force
Allow passive or quiet mode to replace an
existing installation with an earlier version.
setup.exe /Help
Shows a help screen and exits.
setup.exe /Install
Installs or configures the package.
setup.exe /Install /Log <filename>
Install the drivers and logs messages to the
specified file.
setup.exe /Install /Package
Installs the drivers and utilities specified in
setup.exe /Install /Passive
Performs an unattended installation of the
drivers and utilities, rebooting the host to
complete the installation as required.
setup.exe /Install /Quiet
Performs a silent installation of the drivers
and utilities.
setup.exe /Reinstall
Reinstalls the drivers and utilities.
setup.exe /Uninstall
Removes the drivers and utilities from the
host operating system.
setup.exe /Install /Verbose
Performs a verbose installation of the
drivers and utilities, outputting details for
each stage of the installation procedure.
setup.exe /Package
Identify the package file to use for the
setup.exe /Version
Shows version information for the drivers.
setup.exe /Quiet /Install
Silently installs the drivers and Solarflare
Adapter Manager only (other utilities will
not be installed). See,
Specify one or more install properties.
Table 29: Solarflare Installation Options