57 – Front doors, door components, central locking
Front door
Assembly overview - door hanger
Always replace the screws for the door hinges after the removal.
1 - Door
❑ Removing and installing
❑ Setting
2 - Multi-point socket head bolt
❑ 32 Nm.
❑ Always replace the
screws after the remov‐
3 - Door hinge
❑ The top part is connec‐
ted to the bottom part of
the hinge by the screw
- 4 -.
4 - Screw
❑ This screw must be un‐
screwed in order to re‐
move the door from the
❑ 23 Nm.
5 - Multi-point socket head bolt
❑ Installed from the inside
of the vehicle.
❑ Remove bottom A-pillar
trim panel.
❑ 32 Nm.
❑ Always replace the
screws after the remov‐
6 - Door hinge
❑ The bottom part is connected to the top part of the hinge by the screw -4-.
7 - Multi-point socket head bolt
❑ 32 Nm.
❑ Always replace the screws after the removal.
8 - Screw
❑ 32 Nm.
❑ 30 Nm - only for the assembly plant in Russia.
Rapid NH 2014 ➤ , Rapid Spaceback 2014 ➤
Body Work - Edition 10.2018
1. Front door
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